The Facts, it stinks

Hi there, let’s get into a topic that we all avoid. It’s disgusting, you try and hold your breath, and your eyes water that’s right it’s those poopy diapers. 0-6 the poop gets messy 0 months it is watery and yellow especially when breastfeeding. Formula-fed babies’ poop is firmer, and thicker and colours from green to yellow. I recall my daughter at 0 months the poop was everywhere, on my hands, feet even my clothes. I would swiftly, run to the bathroom and bathe her in the newborn tub. Then after she would fall asleep, I would wash her onesie. I tell you it was ongoing and worse when she had a stomach upset. Then six months the colour would change depending on what she ate, and constipation happened a lot. Gassier and very uncomfortable. If the poop is greener than usual and you breastfeeding, it’s probably your milk supply? (foremilk) water down milk, not the golden, fat good stuff (hindmilk) babies need. After birth continue to take your prenatal or after birth, it keeps your milk supply up for my experience stopping before 7-8 months if still breastfeeding makes your supply drastically drop. It was scary at one point the baby was 6 months and one night my supply dropped because I stopped taking my prenatal and pumping didn’t work I previously stop taking my vitamins six months, of course, I went into panic mode, and my partner had to calm me. My baby had apple sauce that night. Remember to eat a well-balanced meal, and snack between breastfeeding and lots of h2o (water) The poop experience will have you, running holding your nose to dispose of that poopy diaper. When changing the infant using wipes none scented is preferable because babies’ skin is so delicate. Use a washcloth only for their bum after you utilize the wipes. A washcloth cleans, better and is softer on their skin than manufacturer wipes. Use zinc ointment when they get inflammation on their behind my advice is to ditch the wipes, especially when dealing with a rash. I noticed it heals immediately when I don’t use, the wipes when my daughter gets a rash. Continue to monitor their poop some foods irate the digestive tract and bring on hives and tiny bumps after they pooped. It comes in many colours yellow, green red, black, brown,(white or red)could indicate health problems so don’t ignore that! poop the rainbow lol the newborn first stool is black but for older babies or children it could be bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. Any questions, you may have about your child’s poop the, information is on the Internet or call your local pediatrician. Being a first time mom is exciting, frustrating and very messy. lots of things to learn and explore. Remember to say positive affirmations I can do this, and if I can’t I will ask for help.

Also by 18 months, you can start potty training, which is another messy experience.

Published by 𝒻𝒶𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮

Hi there, I’m a new mama here to give helpful parenting tips which helped me, being a parent can be overwhelming, and the struggle is real, if I had that helpful tips, maybe my own experience wouldn't have been difficult who knows? I am not claiming to heal or cure.

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